There are better energy weapons and there are better silenced pistols. (it's actually complete garbage in every way.) The only thing it has going for it is it's "suppressed' status as an energy weapon. Though, it may be possible that it has some hidden bonus, like additional crit damage that I have overlooked? not really what you want from a weapon that fills only niche roles and has been known historically for being a somewhat gimmicky WMD.

By the time I can get science 2, maybe 3, the AB simply fails to convince me that it would be a better choice in any role than some laser pistol variant. It does have a few things going, especially its high damage with the basic capacitor, but it has a few major drawbacks, chief among them is having more or less zero growth from weapon modding. We already have plenty of IWIN buttons spread throughout weapons (esp legendaries), chems and perks, some so strong that even a significant boost to the ABs damage would still make it look awful by comparison! Originally posted by Gr8B8M8 8/8: I don't see why they toned it down so much in this game, i guess they just didn't want to give players an "I WIN" button, but that's why it has always had extremely limited ammo, which is still true of it in this game. if they were going to make it so weak, why bother only providing a one-time set of very limited ammo? I know you can convert it to use fusion cells, but that makes it weaker (and if it retained this ability to convert in a mod, the crit effect should be toned down or removed entirely, make it so that it's only a godly weapon as long as you have Alien Blaster Ammo for it, so it still retains that feel of being an "oh ♥♥♥♥" weapon you pull out in emergencies)

Sorry, i've just been pretty miffed about it in this game.

I know there's a mod that enables crits outside of VATS, and Overdrive does the same thing, so surely making a 100% crit chance Alien Blaster wouldn't be a big deal right? it came from a freakin crashed alien ship for crying out loud, it's not exactly "realisitc" I mean, who cares? single player game first of all, and second, it's just a silly ridiculously powerful almost joke weapon. I don't see why they toned it down so much in this game, i guess they just didn't want to give players an "I WIN" button, but that's why it has always had extremely limited ammo, which is still true of it in this game. in past Fallout games it was always this super powerful weapon that had a 100% chance to crit.