November 2022
14 November 2022 - 12:34
Immersive armors for npcs
Added Assorted Tiny Tweaks - Falion is Rude.
Install Size change: -713.6MB (Total: 91.2GB).
Download Size change: -304.5MB (Total: 63.9GB).
This should fix the cases where you have types of water that can't be used
Reworked Stews Recipes to not use bottled water anymore.
NPCs should now carry weapons from Heavy Armory and JaySus Swords more commonly It may not be everyone's fancy so I have it disabled by default.
Added an optional music file - Yggdrasil for some Dark Folk Music.
Added an optional file to revert changes made by Requiem - Immersive Divine Blessings.
Removed Warmth - Light Armor Replacer SSE.
Removed Ulag's Legacy - Apotheus Light Armor - Blooded Heavy Armor - Duskward Light Armor.
Removed Cathedral Landscapes - Windhelm Bridge Snow Fix.
Removed Cathedral Landscapes - Recolored Vanilla Swamp Grass Addon.
Removed Cathedral Landscapes - Fixed Bridge Meshes.
Removed Better Stealth AI for Followers.
Updated powerofthree's Papyrus Extender.
Updated Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official).
Updated JK's Interiors Patch Collection.
Updated BeastHHBB - Beast Hair Horn Beard and Brow - Vanilla based character creation options and NPC replacer for Khajiit and Argonians.
Added Your Choices Matter - A Dark Brotherhood Expansion SSE.
Added Yggdrasil Music and SoundFX Overhaul SE.
Added Veydosebrom Regions - Fall Vegetation Pack.
Added Quest and Reward Delay for Legacy of the Dragonborn.
Added Papyrus Compiler App (Mod Organizer 2 Integration) SE.
Added My Road Signs are Beautiful - Multilingual HD Retexture - SE.
Added Interesting NPCs and WACCF Outfits Patch.
Added Inconsequential NPCs Tweaks - No Winterhold Ghosts.
Added Inconsequential NPCs Tweaks - No College NPCs.
Added Inconsequential NPCs Tweaks - Less Racist Windhelm.
Added Inconsequential NPCs - Crier Begone.
Added Immersive Armours - SSE CBBE BodySlide.
Added Immersive Armors - Heroic Imperial amidianborn fix.
Added Enhanced Skyrim Factions - The Companions Guild.
Added aMidianBorn Textures For Immersive Armors and Lore-Friendly Armor Pack.
Install Size change: -3.2GB (Total: 94.4GB).
Download Size change: -4.3GB (Total: 68.2GB).
Om Mig: