
Sins of a solar empire rebellion maelstrom
Sins of a solar empire rebellion maelstrom

sins of a solar empire rebellion maelstrom

  • Militia at a target planet with no enemies to engage will return to their planet of origin.
  • Neutral militia will attack any non-pirate gravwell adjacent and player owned militia will attack any non-pirate gravwell adjacent with enemy units detected.
  • When the max militia at a planet is reached, the militia will seek an adjacent gravwell target to attack unless they are already engaged.
  • Capturing a valid militia world will cause future spawned militia at that world to join your side as uncontrollable units so long as you control that planet.
  • The frequency of spawning is proportional to the maximum fleet capacity researched in the current match ranging from 10 to 4 minutes with a 25% variance.
  • 025 * population at that planet) * a scalar proportional to the maximum fleet capacity researched * a scalar based on the number of planets in the galaxy.
  • The max militia capacity at a planet is: (20 fleet supply +.
  • A given planet will not exceed a militia max capacity for that planet.
  • Every potentially colonizable world except homeworlds and pirate worlds will periodically spawn a random fleet of militia units with a fleet supply value of 20.
  • Added Rampant Militias ( Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):.
  • This is mutually exclusive with Social and Industry specialization.
  • Each stage of Smuggling adds a 25% tax penalty for that planet up to a max of 75%.
  • The maximum amount of global trade profit that can be stolen is 40% across all players.
  • Steal up to 4.5% (1.5% * 3 stages) of global trade income (all players trade income combined) per planet.
  • Added Smuggling Specialization planet development ( Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):.
  • You can switch back to v1.84 via the Steam beta opt-in system. NOTE: This version may invalidate your save games.

    sins of a solar empire rebellion maelstrom

    Ironclad Games and Stardock Entertainment are pleased to announce the release of version 1.85 of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion today! This update enables features around the new Outlaw Sectors DLC and adds enhanced modding support.

    Sins of a solar empire rebellion maelstrom